summer 2011

Sunday, June 5, 2011

What nice rear you have.....

Ledger got bored feeding the goats at Bear World so he tried several times to ride them , each time saying yeeehawww.

In rememberence of Nana and Jill

Cali and Ledger ready to do the "Run For The Cure".

having fun at bear world....

On our way to Idaho for a weekend at Yellowstone, we decided to stop at Bear World an as you can see Cali and Ledger had a blast feeding all the animals

Friday, April 22, 2011

Hey Everybody Easter is right around the corner!!!

Hey everybody !!!!!! Its Calvyn here. Guess What????? The Easter bunny came early to my house and besides candy guess what he brought me?????? A BABY BROTHER and he will be here October 14th. I'm going to have have two brothers like Kenidy. I am so excited because i can feed him and take care of him all by myself!!!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

I'm flippen out !!!!

Calvyn is doing so well in her tumbling class, she has perfected her cart wheel and is just about there on her hand stand.

You've got a friend in me.....

Some quality time with my friend.

Cupid came for the kids.........

For valentines day Cali and Ledger both got from cupid a big balloon stuffed with goodies. Cali's balloon had a Bell doll holding a blanket with candies , Ledger got a Sheriff Woody doll holding a blanket with  candies.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Go WEBER !!!!!!

Kenidy and Cali cheered at the Weber State basket ball game on Saturday. They could pass themselves off as sisters don't you think?

She is so talented...

Can you believe Cali made this all by herself. You are so talented sis!!!

A girl and her dog....

they say pictures are worth a thousand words well, i couldn't resist taking this one. Reese just loves to sleep on Cali's bed so much we moved his bed on to hers. Did you even notice she tucked him in with a blanket.