summer 2011

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Candy.......

Ledger was playing with his Halloween candy this morning trying to get our Yorkie to fetch so he threw it in his kennel. Needless to say the dog was to smart for that. Ledger decided to show the dog how to go the candy. What a cute little boy.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Halloween 2010

Now how cute is Ledger?????? Our little droopie elephant. He is so funny when he grabs his trunk and points it you. What a joy he brings to our family.

Halloween 2010

Cali bustin a pose for the camera. We figured this picture would be better than taking one of her now. Cali went over to her friends house to play and tripped on the stairs face first leaving her with a shiner. No need for an eye patch now, lol

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Kids say the funniest things.....

As the family is walking through the pumpkin walk Cali stops in front of this pumpkin that hadn't been cleaned out all the way and said" Mommy this pumpkin still has its "nuts" (pumpkin seeds), you couldn't help but to start laughing.

Hey mom my look at this......

Cali and Ledger playing while waiting to go through the pumpkin walk

Pumpkin Walk

Cali was sent home with a flier from kiddie college asking for us to help help her carve it for the pumpkin walk display. The pumpkin wasn't bad at all even though her design had a lot of small lines. What we weren't ready for was the hour and twenty minute wait in line just to get to the entrance to where the Pumpkin walk started. 12-1300 carved pumpkins lit up was quite impressive. We even found her pumpkin which made the night that much more special.

Monday, October 4, 2010

The new fall photo of our two peas in a pod.....

We are so blessed to have these two in our lives. Even though they have their moments there isn't a cuter moment than when Cali and Ledger give each other hugs and kisses.

Having fun at punpkin patch

We took the kids to the pumpkin patch this past Saturday and boy did they have have fun!!!!